Sunday, August 23, 2009

Blessing 71 - Chin


Today, we gave Chin a farawell party. I praise God for the time that Chin has been with us at FBCV. He is finally moving back home to Socal after living here in the Bay Area for almost 10 years. I know that God has a special reason in why He is calling Chin back home. I will miss him for he has been like a true little (big) brother to me. I praise God for his generous heart! Our paths will cross again. But what a huge hole will appear in our heart when he is gone. (Holding back tears...)

We will miss you, Chin =(.
(Just some of us ladies giving you a good-bye smile!...but we're really sad.)

Just some of the guys with Chin (and Ashley) watching a replay of the Niners vs. Radiers Game. Funny how they all looked like as if they were watching and anticipating the play for the first time! Today was a blessing for Chin. In return, it became mine as well. will never be the same in that house. Treasure today. Thank You, Chin, for always having an open door and an open place for us to fellowship in,

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