Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blessing 200 - Sheryll Sylwesiuk

I was hoping to take the last sunset of 2009, but there was no sunset to take. A cloudy day enveloped Vallejo. Instead, this picture of an orchid is posted. It now belongs to Sheryll Sylwesiuk.

Sheryll is Brian Biama's mom. I was led to text Brian this morning to ask how his mom was doing. We haven't seen her at church for quite some time. One thing led to another. Brian replied by telling us that his mom was admitted into the hospital last night. Her electrolyte count was super low due to her radiation treatment. We decided to visit her at Queen of the Vallley in Napa this New Year's Eve. I brought her this favorite orchid plant of mine in order to spread some Sunshine in an "Un-Sunshine" day. She was so happy to receive some visitors! It was so nice to finally see her after such a long time. My last memory of her was at Drake's Beach. She even walked my dog Monta.

Please keep her in your prayers. Sheryll was under a lot of pain when we saw her. But she readily gave us a warm welcome with her lovely smile. She was my blessing today. I wasn't given the chance to take a beautiful picture of a sunset, but I saw the sunset in Sheryll's smile. She made me realize how blessed I am to be able to spend my New Year's Eve with friends and families at a beautiful home with an abundance supply of delicious foods... God used her to help me appreciate the little things of today. I am grateful that I have air in my lungs and blood flowing through my veins. If God can supply me with life today, I already have everything I need. Everything else is an added bonus.

1 Thes.5:18
Give thanks in all circumstance,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Blessing 199 - Best Friends

Nathan: Oakland Raiders; 10 years old, 105 pounds.
Niko: San Francisco 49ers; 9 years old, 65 pounds.

I am thankful that Niko has been blessed by a great friend! They may differ in many areas like their favorite football teams, their age, or even in their weight! But two things they both have in common: The both love Jesus and video games!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blessing 198 - Colors of the Sunset

What do they all have in common?

Anneline handmade these beautiful jewelries with me in mind! I love how she even had my name hole-punched! They remind me of the color of the bright sunshine before it sets.

Adelin made these delicious raspberry and apricot shortbread cookies for me over the Christmas holiday. They go so perfectly with a cup of warm tea. They remind me of the colors and shape of my favorite sight ... the sunset.
Leiza was obviously thinking of me when I received this book from her. She said that it was just something little, but it was a huge gift to me! Inside, you will find beautifully worded quotes and verses that speak to your heart. Each page is like looking at the sunset over the horizon.

Thank you to all of my sisters in Christ for giving me a piece of the sunset during this cold rainy day!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Blessing 197 - James and Anneline

It was such a pleasure to be able to meet up with James and Anneline and have the best pizza in San Bruno ... Toto's Pizza! Conversations about anything and everything filled our dinner table aside from the three different pizzas we ordered! These two friends of ours are getting married on Feb. 28, 2010! We accomplished some wedding planning over some coffee and mint cookies at Starbucks and didn't realize that it was already after 10:00 p.m.! Time sure flies when you're having fun! I praise God for allowing us to spend some much needed time together. It was so nice to finally get together. Please pray for them as they do their final touches on their wedding. Most importantly, please pray that their lives will touch many and draw them to Christ through their loving example.

Their favorite verse:

Proverbs 3:3
Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Blessing 196 - High School Core Leaders' Christmas Party!

Awesome Time! Much Needed Time Together!
Praise God!

What a privilege Jon and I have to be in ministry with these core leaders for our high school ministry! We took some much needed time off and had our Christmas party which was an absolute hit! We had SO much delicious food that we all had seconds and thirds and still so much left over! Our dessert table was overflowing as well! We had a nice worship time led by Alex and a short devotion by Jon. It was simply perfect to be in God's presence. We had as awesome time with our gift exchanges! I think the most memorable gifts were Drew's boxer shorts and Brian's metal detector! Hahaha! Jon and I even got some very special gifts from our core! (Tear, tear!) We also played Password ... and Fran and I humbly won! Hehe! We played Apples to Apples and I didn't get a single green card ... Boo! Well, can't win them all! But overall, it was such a blessing! We missed Maybelle and wished she could have joined us. I really thank God that He allowed His servants to enjoy one another. He has been so good to us! I know we will serve Him even better as we love one another deeper this coming year!

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Blessing 195 - My Calendar and New Book

Look what I found sitting on my doorstep today? I saw a manila envelope and it was this BLESSINGS 365 CALENDAR personally made my a dear friend, Connie Ann. I couldn't contain my tears from flowing. I was so blessed to actually see someone put so much thought. She picked out my pictures for each month and captured this year's blessings from God. I'm tearing as I'm blogging to you. I am so blessed! Just when I thought blogging was getting so tiresome, God sends an angel my way. Thank you, Connie Ann!

Forgotten God by Francis Chan
I am having a wonderful Post-Merry Christmas! I am looking forward to reading this new book by Francis Chan. He's the same author who wrote that wonderful book "Crazy Love". I totally didn't expect this gift as well. Another dear friend, Elline, hand delivered it to me today! I believe it's about learning how to pursue the Spirit-filled life of effectiveness God desires and we desire. Thank you, Elline, for such an encouraging gift! Continue to trust God in everything.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Blessing 194 - Visions That Make Me Stand In Awe! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Merry Christmas, my Friends! I had a blessed time at the Pagmanua's Family Christmas Party today! I spent some alone time outside my Tito Bert's and Tita Cyn's backyard and was amazed by the gorgeous view of the Christmas Sunset! What a beautiful day God has given us on the Birthday of His Wonderful Son! Three things I was in enveloped with happiness today:
1. The Sunset
2. The Tiramisu
3. The Cookie Smores

If you can feel the warmth of the sun, taste the sweetness of the Tiramisu, and salivate over the delicious cookies ... then my Canon has done its job in bringing you some joy! May you enjoy the beauty of today with your friends and families. Good Night and Merry Christmas!

The Christmas Sunset from Oakland Hills

Homemade Tiramisu and Cookie Smores!
(Made by my cousin, Rodney Negosa)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blessing 193 - Wonderful Gifts

Christmas Onesies Pj's from Ash and Niko!
I'm sleeping warm and cozy tonight!

Swarovski Crystal Heart Earrings!
My new best friends!

These two gifts were some of my blessings today this Christmas. On the eve of Christ's birth, I am reminded that it was a star that shown so brightly to guide the wise men to the Baby. These earrings will remind me of the great LOVE that shown brightly on that blessed night in order for Him to be born into our hearts. How could I easily forget that Jesus didn't have a warm and cozy place to be born in? He didn't wear nice pajamas nor did he have a real bed to lay in. But HE came just as promised and without one complaint. How blessed we are to have this Wonderful Gift.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Blessing 192 - H1N1 Flu Vaccine

It was a pretty exciting adventure getting our flu shots this morning...
Jon woke us all at 8am and drove the family to Green Valley to get vaccinated.
We didn't know it was going to be a "Drive-Thru" clinic outside in a parking lot!
It was pretty cool not having to get out of the car!
They gave us some forms to fill out.
Drove up to the nearest nurse with needles in each hand! Lol!
Rolled up our sleeves and POKE!
So Quick!!!
I kiddingly asked them if I could order a "Grande Peppermint Latte"!
A nurse said, "Sorry. But no can do. I could give you an extra "shot"!
Hahahaha! I thought that was pretty clever! My kind of humor!
But now, my arms is a little sore and I have been feeling extremely tired all day.
Praise God for the "Drive-Thru" flu shots!
We were "In and Out" of there!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Blessing 191 - HS Girls Christmas Photo Shoot Party


I praise God for each one!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Blessing 190 - Ghirardelli with the K's!

This place has always been a favorite of ours growing up! We decided to revive this old tradition with the K's! Drinking hot cocoa and eating ice cream at the same time always made Christmas a most joyous time with friends!

It was Mikey's birthday today and what a hilarious time we all had at the Ghirardelli Cafe! Ashley started singing the birthday song and soon enough, the whole cafe was singing along with us! LOL! It felt like a remake of "My Best Friend's Wedding" video! Mikey was so embarrassed! That was the biggest blessing of the evening!

Tonight was definitely the warmest blessing even though it was freezing cold! We still managed to walk to the Boudin Bakery to hopefully pick up some sourdough bread and butter. But it was closed and all we could do was to inhale the delicious scent of garlic bread that was blowing outside its' bakery doors. It was pure torture, but it made our evening complete!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blessing 189 - Words and Family

Let me tell you how amazing God was tonight! I had six of these cookie gifts to give out to friends tonight. I attached a card on each one saying some words of encouragement. I really didn't have specific friends to hand them out to, but I knew God would speak to my heart as soon as I saw them. I was on God's mission to encourage. God led me to 5 ladies. Each one had a message from God's heart and each beautiful soul needed that specific encouragement. We all shared some tears and hugs!. I told each one that the cookies weren't the really gifts but the gift of "words". It was amazing to hear each one say, "This is exactly what I needed to hear!" God is so amazing!

I had one more box left to bless another. It reads .. "Believe in a brighter tomorrow. Live in the light." I believe it was a message for me. My tomorrows will be brighter if I choose to live each day in obedience to Christ. He is the true Light to every path. As He is the Light in my life, I will become a light as well. So ... I found more encouragement notes tucked inside a favorite card. I can't wait to see what God will do through them!

Kuya Butch and Ate Jen are old dear friends of ours. Not so much in age (hahaha), but we have known one another like family for years! They came over to rest before the children's Christmas Musical started. I loved how Ate Jen felt so at home at my house. She even got a power nap in! Well, while she was sleeping, I couldn't help but capture these precious moments of her! I loved how Kuya Butch played along! Sorry, Ate Jen, but I really couldn't pass up such a perfect picture moment with you! This is what "family" is allowed to do and is blessed with!