Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blessing 231 - Unexpected Treasures

My mom and Ate Del have been great friends for a very long time. Once again, my Ate Del sent some gifts for me through my mom when she went to visit her! So, here are my unexpected treasures that arrived today. I'm so overwhelmed with love!

Ate Del gave me these vintage white tea cups with saucers that came in an old wooded box. She said she was only able to find five pairs, but that really didn't matter to me. What mattered was that she and I both love "white" things and she thought of me.

She also sent a photo box and keepsake box where I can store my nature collections from my walks. On it where these words printed: "In all of nature, there is always something of the marvelous." Don't you just love that quote? How true it is when you know the One who created the marvels of nature!

Talking about the "something of the marvelous" ... my mom and Bill just came back from Maui and they gave us a huge box of 60 chocolate macadamias! Now my day was complete! I just felt so overwhelmed by all these blessings. I think the blessings that come unexpectedly are the ones that mean the most!


O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Blessing 230 - What Faith Can Do

I get so blessed by this song every time I hear it on the Christian radio! I want to share this blessing with you ... and you alone.

I've seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn't ever end
Even when the sky is falling
And I've seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That's what faith can do

Hebrews 11:1

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blessing 229 - Allen

Do you want to know why Allen is smiling?

Some very special to him is in town and wanted to introduce her to us!

Her name is Deborah Robinson! We were all so very excited to meet her! We all think that Allen finally found the one who God made especially for him! I think he will hold on tight to this one!

It's nice to see Allen so happy! I emailed Deborah sometime this week and said, "So, you're the one who stoled our Allen's heart away!" She wrote back saying, "No, he stoled my heart!" How sweeeeet!!! Her mom even said that "Allen just dropped down from heaven!" I know that Allen has been praying for a godly woman to come into his life. Well, folks, I would like to introduce you to DEBORAH! What a beautiful blessing!

Delight yourself in the Lord,
and He will give you the desires of your heart!
Psalm 37:4

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blessing 228 - A Shining Picture of Christ

Definition of PHOTO is LIGHT
In Matthew 5:14, the Bible says that we are the LIGHT of the world. Would it be safe to say, in relation to the definition of "Photo", that we are the photo, picture, or image of Christ to the world? What an awesome thought and insight! I know that the use of light in photography can be the deciding factor whether the image will be incredible or terrible. Can I conclude that the more of Christ's love and light is shining through us, the more spectacular the picture of Christ in our lives will be to others? If it's the opposite, are we then showcasing a terrible image of Him?

I was given this picture frame as a gift. It's still without a picture. I asked God to give me an image of Himself at Winter Camp as I walked around taking my pictures. Now, I think, He is asking me to look deep within myself and evaluate what image am I portraying to others about Him. Is my life an incorrect, distorted and a blurred picture or is it true, encouraging, and on focus? What a challenge that faces me. I am encouraged that He is still in the process of "developing" me.

"In the same way, let your light (photo) shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds
and praise your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Blessing 227 - You Know Me

O LORD, you have searched me and know me.
Psalm 139:1

Lord, I find comfort in knowing that YOU know me so intimately. You are ever searching and looking within and upon me. I am never out of your sight. You know me inside and out. Even when others seem distant and aloof, you are mindful of me. Let not my reality of who I truly am inside displease you. Help me let go of what is not pleasing in your sight. Thank you for seeking after me.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blessing 226 - Idea to Done

From Idea to Done

In Ideas on January 26, 2010 at 8:48 AM I was talking with a friend about some of her design ideas. She’s got tons of them. She’s got great ideas for what she wants to do.

Having great ideas is not the problem though. Making it happen is. Getting it done is the issue. Until I see a mock up or a final product even, every single one of those ideas will be just that – an idea. It remains unrealized. It remains an idea in someone’s head as opposed to something that can go on someone’s head, or body, or face.

It’s all about getting those ideas inside of your head to being done.

▶ One Response “Done” is attained when you have a noble purpose behind that idea. That noble purpose is usually not for personal gain, but to help and encourage those who we love.” At least this is what turns my ideas into being DONE! -LANI PAGMANUA

I am making note cards out of my pictures from Blessings 365 and personal work. This project is to help raise funds for Ashley's East Coast Trip in April. For a 3-pack set, I am only asking for $5.

... from Idea to DONE!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Blessing 225 - My Two Companions

#1 - MONTA
Words cannot describe how loved I feel by my Corgi. Monta has become my best-friend. He follows me like my own shadow. Waits for me until I am done. Stares at me with such adorning eyes! He has become one of my favorite companions. I can't imagine loving a pet more than I do him! Niko took this picture of us today. Look at his picture perfect smile!

#2 - BOOK
I officially finished "The Shack" at 4:56 p.m.! This book has been like a companion to me. It has become my good friend. I can rave about this wonderful book until I turn blue! But you won't fully understand the joy and blessing it has been to me until you read it for yourself! It is as much a love story as it is a tragedy. I have come to love Mack and Missy so very much. I have gained so much understanding and appreciation of God's forgiveness, mercy, and love. It has given me a refreshing view of the loving relationship of the Trinity. I have learned so much about where I fall short in my relationships. I have laughed and cried numerous times with it. I have taken notes and felt its heartbeats. Everything disappeared around me as it enveloped me. Now that I am done reading it, I feel like I have said good bye to a dear friend who I looked forward visiting, understanding, and highlighting. I wrapped a bow around it to signify that it is a gift waiting for you to open ... as it was mine.

I will be writing about the insights that God has given me from this book on Still . But for now, all I have to say is PRAISE GOD that I loved it!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blessing 224 - Finding Joy

Winter Camp 2006
January 15
I was browsing through some old camp pictures (2006) and found these two that made me smile. I can still remember when I tossed some snow up in the cold air and felt the refreshing snow upon my face. Why did I pick these pictures today?

I was having the hardest time trying to find a blessing to share with you. Something within me is blocking the flow of blessings. Can I be honest with you? I am not finding the joy of the Lord within me right now. Is it emotional or spiritual? I don't know. Nothing seems to be wrong either. I'm sure God will reveal it in time. But for now, I love this picture of myself when I felt that joy. I just want to jump into this picture. I guess that's my blessing for today. I just realized that I need to resist the tendency to let sadness dominate me.

"Your joy no one will take from you."
John 16:22

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Blessing 223 - Anneline's Bridal Shower

So many guests were present at Ms. V's bridal shower! So many families and friends surrounded Anneline on this special day. One couldn't tell if it was raining or cold outside, because the warmth and love that was felt inside the house was like a perfect summer day! I really loved the way this shower was put together by her bridesmaids and good friends! It was so personal and intimate. This picture was the guests' sign-in box made my Naomi! So clever and beautiful!

So, here is our Bride-to-be! I was in the hallway with her when I took this shot. She hated that all attention was on her! How could anyone miss such beauty and poise? Anneline is both beautiful inside and out! She is first God-fearing, caring, loving, smart, giving, and just has that simple beauty about her that makes her so elegant and inviting! It's no wonder James fell in love with her!

The highlight of the shower was her mom's special speech for her. There was not a dry eye in the room! Her mom considers Anneline not only as her beautiful daughter, but also as her special friend. She gave her godly advice, both serious and funny. I really admire their honest and loving relationship. I pray that Ashley and I will be able to grow into this special bond that Anneline and her mom has. It's so encouraging!

Anneline, I pray for God's best for you and always. May your marriage be one that glorifies the Lord everyday of your lives. We look forward in sharing your special day. I love you dearly.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Blessing 222 - Planted Seeds

Taken after the rain ... A rose bud waiting to bloom .

"I have to remind myself that I just need to plant the seed and God is he one that grows that person. It is not necessary to see the flower bloom, but smile that I had part in getting it started."

So let the rain pour...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blessing 221 - Rain

Oh, the melancholy memories of cruising down the Seine River in Paris... What a perfect time and setting to experience such peacefulness in the rain. I can still remember taking this picture from behind the window of our dinner cruise. Untouched by the rain, I captured my favorite Tower in the rain.

It's raining right now. I hear the sound of the raindrops tap dancing on my rooftop and windows. I hear the wind whispering through the wet leaves outside my front yard. I feel the cold draft coming through the bottom of my door. I see the glow of my candle upon my coffee table. I feel the warmth of my sweater upon my shoulders and the cold numbness upon my fingers as I type to you. I am enveloped in the moment of now. I am Content.

And to think that God is more aware of what I am experiencing in this "moment of now"...

He is aware of you.
He has searched you.
He knows you completely.
He sees what you are thinking.
He is familiar with all your ways.
Psalm 139:1-3

I pray this blesses you today in some way as you experience the rain.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Blessing 220 - The End of a Season

Today, I had to say "good-bye" to a dear friend. It was the end of our season together, but not the end of our friendship. I have always told her to let her light shine ever so brightly. I praise God that he gave me the opportunity, even for a moment, to help fuel her inner light so that she may shine for all to see God's amazing love and life in her. I am praising God even through these sad times. I know He has the best in store for her. I have full confidence that she will not let her light go out. I leave her in God's hands.

"...I am going to let go of your hand now and you let go of me and grab God's other hand. Don't worry about me, I not going to fall far cause I'm going to grab God's hand too."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blessing 219 - God's Love Letter: "In The Storm"

Dear Family,

As you travel back home from this beautiful place, remember that I will be with you each step of the way. My hands will uphold you. Though you may not see what lies ahead, know that I will be in complete control. You will reach home safely. Go in peace with my blessings.

XOXO (hugs and kisses),

It was absolutely beyond beautiful! I promised you that I would bring back a pocket full of miracles! God has truly reached down to hurtful souls who were ready to be healed and restored. Praise God! So let me tell you those miracles...

Before we left the camp grounds, I took a stroll down a snow-covered path that led down to a rocky shore by the lake. It was breath-taking! No sign of snow or rain. It was the perfect time to leave. So we all packed up, said our good-byes, and convoyed back home with three other families.
We decided to take 50 north back home to avoid the traffic mess on 50 South. Jon set his trusty iPhone GPS to Vallejo and off we went! It was so peaceful and beautiful seeing the other side of Lake Tahoe. No sign of any traffic. As we reached higher elevation, we were told that we needed to put snow chains on. A fierce storm was fast approaching!
3:00 What started as a pleasant drive around the lake became a most terrifying journey back home. We followed each other ever so carefully. The storm was only getting worse and so were my anxieties. Our two front tires had defected snow chains so we had to take them off. We had the back tires still on which prevented us from slipping and sliding the first time. My heart knew what to believe about God ... that He was in control and that He loved us. Still, my heart raced ever so fast. I kept pressing my right foot down on the floor as if it would help our truck from moving too fast. There was a big rig that actually started sliding in front of us and Jon tried with all his might to avoid it. We finally passed it up and decided to over take it. As we veered to the right lane, our truck started sliding out of control as well and hit a snow bank! Praise God that the way was clear for us to crash into snow, but our right tire popped out of the rim and we were definitely stuck. Every fear that I was anticipating became a reality.
3:30 The Nogalizas were traveling right behind us but they were able to avoid everything and parked safely in front of us. We asked our kids to ride with them so they would be brought to a safer place to wait for help. We praised God that Aldwin and Dan-Dan called AAA for us. Dan stayed with Jon and I as we waited for help. Aldwin brought the kids to the next exit where the Sanchez and Washington families were waiting. All we could do was wait. During the waiting, I decided to focus on the beauty in the midst of the storm. I opened my window and took this picture of the beautiful snow upon the pine tree. It was God's way of reminding me that He was in control. So I worshipped Him right there and then.
4:30 The snow storm was turning into a fierce blizzard! The area where we got stuck was a danger zone. Anyone could slide into us at any time. Every time I heard the rumble of trucks and cars approaching, I would brace myself and pray. God kept reminding me that He was in control. He told me to take out my camera and capture the rocks upholding the trees above them. "I will uphold you with my right hand, Lan." We were still waiting for help. We were still stuck. But we were still alive. We have been waiting for almost an hour. I can see that daylight was starting to disappear and that the blizzard was only getting worse. In the midst of all this, I received texts and calls from loved ones saying that they were praying for us. They were my comfort in the storm. We asked our family friends who had our kids to go ahead so they wouldn't have to stay in this storm with us. We want all of them to be safe. But no one wanted to leave us behind. How touched I was that they wanted to all stay together.
4:45 There was only a fraction left of daylight and still, no sign of Henry. Henry was the AAA rescue guy that was coming for us. It was getting so cold inside the truck that we had to cover ourselves with sleeping bags. We tried to comfort one another with praise songs and humor. But every time I heard the rumble of trucks outside, I would brace myself in fear of them crashing into us. But God continued to encourage our hearts. There were so many people who stopped and offered to help us out. Strangers, rescue vehicles, and the police were so caring. It was such a humbling experience to know that there were perfect strangers who would offer to help stranded people like ourselves. God was good! But we had to wait for AAA... "Oh, Henry! Where are you?"
5:00 Daylight was a thing of the past. Still, no sign of Henry. He got stuck in Truckee, where they had to stop traffic coming down Hwy 80. All I could see on the windshield and windows were the snowflakes slowly dripping downward and the color of the brake lights from the cars outside. It was now completely dark and everything around us was now enveloped in darkness. No one was talking either. Jon, Dan, and I just prayed silently. Our kids and friends just an exit away were also getting very anxious for us as they waited. We prayed that Henry would be able to pull us out of the snow bank and fix our tire. We prayed that there would be nothing wrong with the axle and that the truck wouldn't have to be towed away. I spoke with Ash during this time on the phone and heard her worries and fears through every word she spoke to me. I tried my very best to sound assuring that everything will be just fine. What she didn't know was that I was a basket case inside. But God was in control.

God said, "Be Still and Know that I Am God. I know you are scared, but I AM HERE. I AM IN COMPLETE CONTROL." All I could do was cry silently and believe this. It was more like: "I'm STUCK ... and all I could do is Know that You are God."
5:30 At last ... our dear Henry came to our rescue! He was able to pull the truck out of the snow bank and fix our tire! Can you imagine how good God is? The only thing that was damaged was our tire! Words could could not describe the joy we all felt inside! How relieved we all were! We were soon reunited with our kids and friends and they all cheered when they saw us! It was a celebration at the gas station where they were all waiting! Even though the snow was still coming down hard, we were just so happy to all be together again! I knew that if God could perform such a miracle with our truck and the whole terrible ordeal, I knew that God would get us all home safely. I texted all my friends about this miracle and soon after, my phone died ... But we were alive!

Miracles were all around me. I just didn't see them as such when my heart was full of fear. I now see them so vividly! He had to take everything that was of comfort in my mind to allow me to see that it would only be Him to rescue us in His time. The miracle of life, the miracle of friendships, the miracle of strangers wanting to help, the miracle of looking at the beauty in the midst of a storm, the miracles of GOD SOVEREIGNTY!

The sun shined upon us today even for a brief moment. I took this picture to remind me that God's Love Letter to me each day are miracles waiting to happen. Through good times and bad times, nothing is just ordinary or wasted. They are miracles from the mighty hand of God.

Be still (stuck) and know that I am your God.
Psalm 46:10

Blessing 218 - God's Love Letter Come Alive

If I would have known that my last blog about "The Letter From God" would actually become a reality in my life, maybe I would have thought twice about not writing it. But it was God's INTENT to write about a fierce blizzard to enter our lives. That blog, given by God, was a window to prepare us for what was to come. It was His Love Letter to assure us that He we will be in complete control. "We need not fear. He is with us."


Would you like to read the conclusion of God's Love Letter? ... BLESSING 219.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Blessing 217 - Letter from God

Each day is a "Letter from God".

And with each word, He writes with His intention of LOVE... the greatest love ever known and ever demonstrated by His only Son. Each page stained by Jesus' blood so that we can wake up each day...

So pure and white ... like fresh fallen snow.

His letter may ask the impossible from us. "Persevere, my Beloved, like a ferry boat out on a fierce snow storm that cannot see what is ahead. I will direct each step. I will be your compass. You can trust Me for I love you."

"Even when the storm does not seem to lift up but only seem to get worst... Let go of your insecurities and know who you are in ME. You have Me."

Ps. 46:10

"Then in My time, the storm will cease, the clouds will part, and the sun will shine again. You will find new fallen snow that has covered what was hurtful and dirty. Here is how I see you: You are valuable, amazing, kind-hearted, giving, and talented. YOU ARE MY BELOVED.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Blessing 216 - A New Child Of God / A New Mind

Just 5 minutes ago, I led a young lady, by the name of Jade, to come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. She just received the Lord into her heart! I'm am left speechless and in tears. Praise God!

We are in Lake Tahoe, attending a winter camp for our College and Career. This is the amazing view from our cabin. I took 150 pictures today, but these two were so amazingly breath-taking, that it pretty much captured the theme verses of camp for me.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

ROMANS 12:1-2

Friday, January 15, 2010

Blessing 215 - Cold Winter Months

These cold winter months remind me of the times when your friendship was all that kept me warm. I can still feel the warmth of your glow whenever you lift me up in prayer. How I praise God for you!

Please pray as we all leave for Winter Camp. Pray that God's sovereignty will be done in our lives as we seek after Him. This was the very first picture I shot upon seeing Lake Tahoe. I'm looking forward in capturing all of God's beauty that will surround me! I wait with expectancy in the wonders of what God will teach me through each captured moment. I shall come back with pocket full of miracles for you.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blessing 214 - New Dew

Upon seeing the new dew that the morning brought today...
Without a doubt, I knew that is was going to be GOD DAY!
I've had a pretty trying and tiring week. But I now see why God brought about such circumstances only to make me stronger and more reliant on Him. Today's morning dew was a gift in reminding me that God's faithfulness is new every morning! As cold as it was, I felt God's presence and joy through out the day!

My day started with a delicious breakfast date with Hem! We exchanged our Christmas gifts for one another and it was pretty awesome celebrating Christmas after Christmas! We also had a little adventure on our morning walk in Benicia State Park! It was hilarious needless to say, but that calls for another story ... another time! Good night, loves! I still have so many things to do before we leave for winter camp tomorrow.

Have a GOD evening!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Blessing 213 - Ground Beef

This is the famous GROUND BEEF dish that I made for our dinner tonight! It always reminds me of discipleship. It's something that the ladies in my accountability group and I always end up eating when we meet together! I'm really happy that it's so easy to make, but it satisfies us ever so nicely! Eat and meet ... it's a good thing. =)

Something about GROUND BEEF got me thinking... Relating it to God's Word and Discipleship, it's during our accountability time that we GROUND ourselves into some MEAT (God's Beef for our spiritual growth). I know it's pretty corny, but I actually thought it was pretty clever! It has been such blessing to be able to digest a good spiritual meal and to be able to feed it to those who are hungry for the word. It's the best and only diet for a growing child of God!

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blessing 212 - My New Books!

The Year of Living Like Jesus
By: Ed Dobson

"It may appear from the cover that this is a nice book about growing a beard because Jesus did but be warned - you will quickly discover that Ed's adventure takes him, and us, deep into the heart of grace, mercy and the endless discovery of just what the way of Jesus looks like - which, of course, has very little to do with having a beard." - Rob Bell

My Ate Del told me ahead of time that she was going to mail me a book that was highly recommended by Professor Lem Usita. She is such a huge blessing in my life! Ate... If you happened to read this blog, I received the book today! Thank you so much! I can't wait to read it!

The Digital Photography Book
By: Scott Kelly

This isn't a book of theory - full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts. This is a book on which button to push, which setting to use, and when to use it. With nearly 200 of the most closely guarded photographic "tricks of the trade", this book gets you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos every time. - Scott Kelly

Another book was delivered today and this time it was a nice surprised from Jon! He secretly ordered me this book =). I have been hinting for quite some time for a "how to" photography book. I can't wait to learn how to shoot waterfalls and running streams when the water appears to look like soft cotton candy clouds. I also want to learn how to shoot sports like a pro! So many things to learn! Scott Kelly, the author, gives God the glory for allowing him to make a living in something he truly loves and for all the wonderful blessings he has been blessed with! A great book and a Christian author... I have the best of both worlds!

What do these two book have in common? They will both help me gain a greater perspective inwardly (as I learn more about Jesus' life) and outwardly (as I learn how to take pictures like a pro so all of YOU can be blessed with better pictures of God's blessings)!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Blessing 211 - Lost Keys

I couldn't believe that I misplaced my keys again! Last Monday, I did the exact same thing. They were the keys and alarms to my truck, my car, and my house. I only realized they were missing when I went to search for them in my purse. I had to pick up Ashley from school and bring her to her dental appointment. The keys were no where to be found. I had to cancel with our dentist... again.

Meanwhile, as I was searching for them, I found a Ashley's lip balm, Monta's tennis ball, and Niko's missing pairs of socks underneath the couch cushions. I searched high and low, upstairs and downstairs, inside and outside of my house. So, I gave up trying and tried to look at the brighter side:

I found other missing objects.
I didn't have to go out in the cold.
Michelle's dad brought Ashley home.
I might have been spared from an accident.
I was able to finish my laundry.
I asked my friends for prayer.
I was forced to look at the brighter side.

After two hours of searching, Jon called me and said that my keys were on the floor of the Passat, which he took to Fremont today. Whew! Praise God! I am so relieved!

God was watching over me. If He had to keep me home to protect me, then I am thankful that He did. Sometimes things don't go according to our plans. I trust that God's plans are far more better than anything else.

Proverbs 3:25 Have no fear of sudden disaster
or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,

26 for the LORD will be your confidence
and will keep your foot from being snared.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blessing 210 - Soar

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

I have come to understand that I will only renew my strength, soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, and walk but not be faint ... if I hope IN THE LORD. Only in Him will I overcome and persevere.

I was able to take this picture of this plane by using a 70 x 100 mm lens. I praise God that I was able to zoom on a high and far object! It taught me that no matter how unattainable a goal or dream may be, with God's strength, He will help me meet those goals and dreams that HE HAS FOR ME. I can't give up now....


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blessing 209 - Bleach

I poured some bleach unto my sink to remove the coffee and food stains that accumulated over this pass week. I read the label on the bleach container and it said that it "kills 99.9% of household germs". So what happened to the 1%? I praise God that His Son paid for all of our sins 100%! I had to look into my skeleton closet tonight and truly clean it out. I am thankful that I can stand clean now. There is nothing here on earth that man can make or do to be fully forgiven and clean from sin. Jesus' blood "disinfects, sanitizes, and deodorizes" more than any bleach can do!

Is there anything in our lives today that may need Jesus' bleach power?

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just

and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

I John 1:9

Give us clean hands.
Give us pure hearts.