Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blessing 228 - A Shining Picture of Christ

Definition of PHOTO is LIGHT
In Matthew 5:14, the Bible says that we are the LIGHT of the world. Would it be safe to say, in relation to the definition of "Photo", that we are the photo, picture, or image of Christ to the world? What an awesome thought and insight! I know that the use of light in photography can be the deciding factor whether the image will be incredible or terrible. Can I conclude that the more of Christ's love and light is shining through us, the more spectacular the picture of Christ in our lives will be to others? If it's the opposite, are we then showcasing a terrible image of Him?

I was given this picture frame as a gift. It's still without a picture. I asked God to give me an image of Himself at Winter Camp as I walked around taking my pictures. Now, I think, He is asking me to look deep within myself and evaluate what image am I portraying to others about Him. Is my life an incorrect, distorted and a blurred picture or is it true, encouraging, and on focus? What a challenge that faces me. I am encouraged that He is still in the process of "developing" me.

"In the same way, let your light (photo) shine before men,
that they may see your good deeds
and praise your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16

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