Sunday, January 3, 2010

Blessing 203 - Ate Del

Ate Del Salcedo has to be one of my favorite "ATES" growing up back in FBCSF. She was our church secretary in San Francisco for so many years. She always had such a giving heart for as long as I have known her. I spoke with her today and it has a long time! I received some special gifts from her this past Christmas and each one have touched my heart in such a special way. Everything that was in a blue bag had a "heart" theme or just something that she knew I would appreciate. She said that every time she sees something with a heart, she remembers me. I didn't realize that she has been following my Blessings 365! She is my blessing today!

A Heart Calendar!

A Heart Bag!

Two Picture Books with really cute quotes!

Some Drink Coasters that I can actually insert photos inside them!

All these goodies were from my Ate Del! The only thing that I regret not seeing were the earrings that she made for me. I am so sad. She was so excited to tell me how she made it. I pray that I will find them soon.

Ate Del, if you are reading this, I just wanted to thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! You really touched my heart with your little sentimental gifts. I only regret not seeing the earrings that you made me. I hope to see you soon in person. It's been too long. I pray that you will continue to keep giving from your heart. You have blessed so many! One day, I hope to be as gracious as you are. I love you.

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