Monday, May 31, 2010

Blessing 349 - Drake's Beach 2010

Drake's Profile

The Rocky Shore

Mr. Starfish in his hot tub!

A Bird's Freedom

Love Prints in the Sand

Just a few highlights from today's trip to Drake's Beach! It was a beautiful day for pictures! It was a perfect day for great fellowship and food among dear friends!

Praise God for today!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blessing 348 - The Chair

An empty chair awaits a welcomed friend to come
Not by chance but planned
After all the chores are done...

An empty chair can act as a resting place to one
Or a patient book holder
When one has to be gone...

Imagine yourself, a chair, awaiting to be used
You have no say who sits
for the one you cannot choose.

If I be a chair, be it by a window
So I may enjoy the garden
that blossoms from below.

Come visit often and a read a book on me
Trust that I will uphold you
Linger and rest on me.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Blessing 347 - High School Core Leaders Retreat

A most blessed time at the Bantay's Residence! We held our High School Core Leaders Retreat here today and we just praise God for an awesome time He gave our leaders to be refreshed and trained for the ministry. They consist of college, career, and some high schoolers who are being led to serve the Lord in our youth ministry at church!

Not only did we have some intense workshops through out the day, but we also had a great time in fellowship, in eating, and in just being goofy for God! It also happened to be Roby's birthday today! Happy 21st Birthday, Roby! (He's the guy in the Vans shirt.) Yaye!

Friday, May 28, 2010



and AFTER!!!

I am thanking God in advance of the delicious Korean BBQ I will have this Memorial Weekend! The last time I had this was back in North Carolina when Lev grilled up some for us. My mouth is already watering just thinking about it! I am praying really hard that I will be able to grub on some really soon!

It's the three day weekend!!! Let's get together please!!!
Let's also remember those who sacrificed their lives for our country.
Praise God!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blessing 345 - Crepevine Gift Card

A wonderful surprise came in the mail! It was a Crepevine Gift Card from Chris, Connie Ann, and Cyrus! It was their way of saying "Thank You" for taking pictures at Cyrus' birthday party. Even if I didn't get a thing, I would still be so very blessed to be part of the celebration! I think the best things in life are the thoughtfulness that come from loving friends. To me, it's not just a gift card. It's a gift card to one of my favorite places to eat! So, thank you so much, Connie Ann and Chris! I will surely enjoy every bite of my crepe! I almost feel guilty for being rewarded for something I absolutely love to do ... "capturing the moment."

I think when ever God thinks of us, He instantly captures every moment that has to do with us. He is intimately acquainted with all our ways. He knows every smile, every tear, every joy, and every pain that we experience. Then He surprises us with His "gift card" of love and comforting presence. So never think you are ever out of God's reach. He is intimately acquainted with you.

You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
Psalm 139:3

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blessing 344 - Bowling Ball

Niko and I went to the thrift store today and found this beautiful bowling ball that came with a bag for only $12! Of course I had to get it! I really enjoyed bowling the other night with my friends and thought it would be great to practice to get better this summer. Well, it looks like we will be spending some time practicing our strikes and spares in the alleys! Anyone down?

I just praise God for such a good find! I hope I really get to use it this summer. It's not just the game, but it's the fellowship behind the game that makes bowling so much fun! I know God can use this activity to draw more brothers and sisters in Christ closer. I'm looking forward to that!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blessing 343 - Forgiveness

Ask for forgiveness. I will offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me, and I will ask for forgiveness for any wrong I’ve done to others.

Matthew 5:23–24: “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.”

Monday, May 24, 2010

Blessing 342 - g2 proImages

It was truly amazing to see a friend's photography exhibit this past weekend! I hope one day I will be able to do the same. I still have so much to learn, but I know where my strength and wisdom will come from and I know Who I am doing it for. I just praise God that I am surround by great friends who are willing to school me as I follow right behind them. Oh the possibilities to bring glory and honor to God through the talents He has given to us!

and to capture His smile one day.

**Some of Gerry's pictures are posted on my Faceook. Come visit my wall. =)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Blessing 341 - To Rest or Not To Rest

To play ball...
Or to sleep...?
Oh, I think I'll take it easy today.

This is exactly how I felt coming home from church. I had the worst allergy attack and not to mention a possible stomach virus. Monta couldn't have illustrated my afternoon any better. I can't complain. God cleared my afternoon so that I can actually rest. It's been a wonderful day worshipping God and seeing good friends as well! Even though some of them may be far away, I can still feel them close as if they were standing right in front of me. I love that! Praise God for texts and emails.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Blessing 340 - POREOTICS!

What a blast it was to be able to do a photo shoot with the A.B.D.C. champs!
P O R E O T I C S!!!

Ashley and Niko was just as excited as I was! They will be performing at the Kababayan Fest in Great America this summer! They were able to do a meet and greet in Japan Town today. It was a blessing to see a bunch of young talented guys meet their fans! Thanks to Gabe Balanag for hooking my family and I up at this awesome and memorable event!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Blessing 339 - Our Best Friends

If only our dogs could talk...
All I can do right now is show you I love you.
I do wish that you could be in my arms everyday.
If I could only see your smile every time that you do.

You do show your love for me and you do it so well.
All I can be is content even though the distance is so great.
You give me a reason to smile everyday.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Blessing 338 - Old and New Friends

Maribel and I had a wonderful lunch at Sweetie Pie's Cafe today! She has been such a sweetheart of a friend to me. I praise God for the times we can spend together.

She was a little scared of shooting with my camera, but I think she did a wonderful job with this picture. She doesn't know it yet, but I think she will be one of my favorite photographers soon.

We both enjoyed our turkey and bacon panini sandwich with a side salad. A perfect meal for a nice sunny day! It was a girlie meal, but it did satisfy us nicely. We even had free samples of chocolate cheesecakes!

My first coffee of the day accompanied with some flowers on our table.
Can our day get any better?

Actually... a surprise visit awaited me at home! I finally had a chance to meet Pastor Lem's wife... Danielle Usita! They quickly dropped by the house just so I can meet her! It was a pleasure to finally see her after all the wonderful things that Lem have told me about Danielle. Now I have a new friend... a pretty one at that!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Blessing 337 - Mary's Example

An empty bench in the woods is an invitation for stillness and wonder.

I was encouraged at today's devotion about how much God wants to spend time with us... more than we'll ever know. But our days always seem to get filled with everything else and God gets left out or he gets the left overs of our time. Busyness and selfishness will do just that. I want to follow after Mary's example by simply sitting at Jesus' feet.

Luke 10:41-42
"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blessing 336 - Filoli Gardens

What a blessing it was to finally see my mom and Bill! My and I decided to plan an outing with them at the Filoli Gardens. Beautiful day for picture taking and great company!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Blessing 335 - Love Became Evident

I almost forgot to take today's picture, because it has been raining all day. No more sunlight left, so I relied on my trusty flash to capture something on this rainy evening. Afraid that I missed anything worth capturing, I was pleasantly surprised to see a "heart" right at my frontal vision. How amazing! In spite of the darkness and rain, "love" became evident.

Confused in the darkness? Have tears been falling like the rain.? Take HEART. Love remains and will shine in the dead of night and in the storms of life. God is Love. He will love you through the confusion and tears.

But now, this is what the LORD says—
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.

Isaiah 43:1-2

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blessing 334 - Fenton's Ice Cream

This was a great sight for sore eyes! Nothing like ending a long day with this banana split! Three scoops of goodness will give me pleasant dreams. Good night. Sleep tight! I know I will. =)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Blessing 333 - My Ashley's 8th Grade Dance

Making memories to last a life time.

My PrettyBbaby... I'm the most blessed mom in the world!
I'm so proud of how beautiful she is turning out to be.
Inside and out...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Blessing 332 - My Favorite Photographer

Niko and I went on a photo walk around the old part of Napa today. To my surprise, he was so focussed on his subjects that he really didn't need my help. He just followed me around and shot away! I'm so proud of him! The only pictures I took on this blog were the first two. I hope you will be blessed as much as I was.

My Favorite Photographer

Niko's print on Earth!

Everyone... I hereby, give you,
Niko Pagmanua Images:
Pretty in Pink

Baby Blue

Heart Paint


Close Up

Farm Friends

Broken Heart

Scary Face


His Stamp


Red Door

Wood Heart

Victorian Bed and Breakfast Inn

Picket Fence Friends

My Favorite - His Flower!

Praise God for his gift!
Now I have a little assistant and I know will surpass me in a flash!
Great Job Niko!!!