Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blessing 41 - Honey Bees and Sunflowers

Driving down one of the older streets in Napa today, I noticed a front yard filled with beautiful wild sunflowers shining brightly as their name! And 0f course...if you knew me...your next guess would naturally be..."Oh, don't tell me, she stopped her car just to take pictures of them!" Well your guess was absolutely correct! I did stop, walked quietly up to the flowers, and carefully took pictures like I was on some secret mission! I didn't want the owners of the house to see me =)! To my surprise, I saw a Honey Bee doing its job, business as usual, tapping at the flower. It was quite amazing to see one of God's creation doing exactly what it was meant to do for the duration of its life. So this has led me to write about these hard working insects. I know that you will also be truly amazed after you read some trivia about these Honey Bees:

How many flowers must honey bees tap to make one pound of honey?
Two million.

How much honey does the average worker honey bee make in her lifetime?
1/2 teaspoon.

How long does a worker honey bee live?
Approximately 42-45 days in peek season.

How far does a hive of bees fly to bring you one pound of honey?
Over 55,ooo miles.

Think about it...
An average honey bee will only live close to 45 days to just make 1/2 teaspoon of honey. I consume one teaspoon of local honey per day during those bad allergy seasons! They fly over 55,000 miles and visit over 2 million flowers to make ONE POUND of HONEY. AMAZING! But this is their purpose for living. This is their "good works" for all humanity...to add some sweetness to our lives! If God can orchestrate and plan out a life of an insect, how much more will He do and can do for His children! I am brought humbly to my knees to have such a magnificent privilege to serve such a magnificent God. I am nothing...YET...He has given me everything to act on His behalf.

Ephesians 2:10
For we are God's workmanship,
created in Christ Jesus to do
good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do.

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