The Way I see It #76
(Starbucks Cup Message)
The irony of commitment is that
it's deeply liberating - in work,
in play, in love. The act frees you
from the tyranny of your internal
critic, from the fear that likes to
dress itself up and parade around
as rational hesitation. To commit is
to remove your head as the barrier
to your life.
~~Ann Morriss
Starbucks customer from New York City
(Starbucks Cup Message)
The irony of commitment is that
it's deeply liberating - in work,
in play, in love. The act frees you
from the tyranny of your internal
critic, from the fear that likes to
dress itself up and parade around
as rational hesitation. To commit is
to remove your head as the barrier
to your life.
~~Ann Morriss
Starbucks customer from New York City
I constantly get this same message from my Starbucks Cups. Today was no exception. I knew it was time to "commit" and finally write about it. To some, a commitment is equated to a ball and chain. Freedom becomes a luxuary of the past. Commitment, as some may come to fear it, may be seen as a pain rather than a progress in one's growth. How ironic that these misconceptions are so far from the truth. No wonder we have so many undecided individuals lacking in faith. When the one thing they are fearing most is actually the very thing that will free them from their fears. COMMITMENT.
God would never hesitate in committing to loving us for even one micro of a second. This would go against His very nature...for God IS Love. He demonstrated His own Love for us. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) He committed to us when He demonstrated His love to us. He committed to us when Christ died for us. God is committed to US. This frees us from any bondage or hesitations! If God can commit to me, who is merely but dust compared to His worth, what is hold me back from committing to HIM? Do I need to see the whole picture before I commit? Notice how the picture above only shows one side of the cup. You don't have to see the whole cup to know it is a cup. You just simply know that it is. Maybe this is where I need to exercise my faith in God. No...I don't need to see the whole picture. I just need to fully commit.
Please read this message on my Starbucks Cup again. Although it's from a lady named Ann from New York City, I truly believe that God has a message in it for all of us. It had one for me.
God would never hesitate in committing to loving us for even one micro of a second. This would go against His very nature...for God IS Love. He demonstrated His own Love for us. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) He committed to us when He demonstrated His love to us. He committed to us when Christ died for us. God is committed to US. This frees us from any bondage or hesitations! If God can commit to me, who is merely but dust compared to His worth, what is hold me back from committing to HIM? Do I need to see the whole picture before I commit? Notice how the picture above only shows one side of the cup. You don't have to see the whole cup to know it is a cup. You just simply know that it is. Maybe this is where I need to exercise my faith in God. No...I don't need to see the whole picture. I just need to fully commit.
Please read this message on my Starbucks Cup again. Although it's from a lady named Ann from New York City, I truly believe that God has a message in it for all of us. It had one for me.
"To commit is to remove my head as the barrier to God.
It's deeply liberating."
It's deeply liberating."
ate lan, i really like how you photographed the sb cup! the lighting on it is awesome. =) and i enjoyed reading the blog as well...