Before it broke, I reached inside it with a sponge and started washing the glass. As pressure was applied, that's when it broke and cut my finger. The pain was a lot more than the small cut that resulted from the broken glass. To stop the bleeding, I asked for a band-aid, but I didn't get to apply it.
What a vivid illustration of what I have been going through this week. I was unaware of the cracks in my heart. If only I had applied God's word more intentionally this week, I would have prevented it from being broken. Until the pressure got to be more than I was able to handle, I let my emotions and self-will get the better of me, then the cracks resulted in shattered pieces.
Some things are beyond our control. Some things are just best left surrendered in God's hands. I need to truly trust in God's word that He will do as He promised. So if an opportunity comes for me to apply that "band-aid" to my hurts, cracks, and disappointments, I need to take that way out.
Thank you, God, for the brokenness. You take each broken piece and turn them into beauty. It will give me the chance to see you fully restore and heal me. Through trials, I will triumph. Struck down, but not destroyed.
We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.
2 Corinthians 4:8-10
I LOVE this post! Beautifully written. And I really need to hear that...I need to apply God's Word to my disappoinments, the things I can't control, my cracks. Thank you for sharing this blog with me.